Implementation of Religious Education
Our Religious Education lessons are based on the The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Sheffield Schools 2019 – 2024: Enquiring Minds and Open Hearts: Religious Education for all. The aim of Religious Education in Sheffield schools is that pupils will know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews. From the knowledge of the different religions studied, as well as non-religious views and practice, children will express ideas and insights of their own into the significant questions which religions address.
We also endeavour to reflect our school community within our teaching and celebration of religion. For example, we hold an annual Eid celebration that is facilitated by school but run by our parents. We have assemblies where the children proudly present their experiences, wear their celebratory clothing and food is prepared and brought in. We also purchase Eid cakes to accompany the food and the whole community is invited to share and eat together.
RE is delivered in a number of ways, over whole days and/or a sequence of components. This delivery includes a range of different approaches and outcomes:
- Discussion (including whole P4C sessions)
- Visits/ visitors/ parents
- Artefacts
- Videos and images
- Verbal and written reflections
- Written and creative responses, such as art or sculptures