At Watercliffe Meadow we want to prepare our children, not only to survive in the world of the 21st Century, but also to find their place and to be able to flourish within it. We want to provide them with the skills and knowledge to pursue careers, in an ever-changing technologically advanced world, that may not even exist yet. We want our children to become independent learners; to have the chance to discover and feel confident about their own uniqueness and also to be able to appreciate the wider world and the importance of working together to make things better. Our staff are dedicated to making this happen. We truly believe that by working together, we can achieve the aims of our vision statement.
As a trauma informed school we create safe, welcoming and calm environments where learning and relationships are valued. Children have access to a wide range of exciting learning opportunities that will help them develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes through our use of visits, visitors and residentials and these are essential to the curriculum we teach and for developing their fascination with the world around them. We are confident that the key components of the curriculum are reflected in the teaching that takes place. The content of the curriculum reflects the needs of children, rooting learning in experience. The sequencing is chosen to build on concepts logically and allow children to make clear links.
Wider Curriculum Impact
For each curriculum unit that is planned, the crucial knowledge is identified. This crucial knowledge reflects the national curriculum requirements, but also identifies what knowledge (and skills) the children need to have in order for their learning to progress and be consolidated. Each unit references the learning from previous year groups, so we can identify and teach any gaps, as well as build new knowledge.
In history, geography and science (which is now being developed into other subjects) plenary discussions and questions are planned in and delivered in a range of ways, in order to allow repetitive retrieval of the crucial knowledge. Whole class assessment sheets are used throughout each unit, where the children’s assessment is tracked against the crucial knowledge statements.
Supporting the Curriculum at Home
All children from Y3 - Y6 have their own learning journal. In this there are key learning prompts, including maps, for children and parents to refer to. Visiting our year group blogs is another way to receive communication about what is happening in curriculum subjects and how you can help your child at home. Newsletters are posted on the blog, at least once a term, with signposting to additional things to support your child.