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Our Staff

Please click on the photo of each person to find out more about them!

Danielle Mullen

Danielle Mullen

Learning Mentor

When did you start at WCM?

2008- I was here from the start as a student and I left for 8 months to continue my placements, but when I had to choose one to come back to, it was of course, WCM and the rest is history! I never left.


What do you love most about WCM?

I think the children at Watercliffe have many wonderful experiences. Also, all the staff always have a smile on their faces. I love building relationships with children and making a difference to their lives.


What do you love doing outside of school?

Outside of school I love to spend time with my family and 2 dogs Mollie & Ronnie.
My favourite thing to do is to have days out with my little boy Jesse making memories and watching him have fun. I also like to shop, go for walks with the dogs or go for a nice meal or a coffee shop.


One interesting fact about yourself

I don’t really have any interesting facts other than I am a type 1 Diabetic.