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Our Staff

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Steven Barnes  Y3SB

Steven Barnes Y3SB


When did you start at WCM?

I have been at WCM permanently since 2018 after a placement here from Sheffield Hallam University.


What do you love most about WCM?

I love how welcoming staff and pupils are to visitors and new members of staff! It has a a really welcoming feel about the school and I love how hard the pupils work to achieve their goals. Everyone helps each other!


What do you love doing outside of school?

I love to go running, and I am running the Manchester marathon in April 2024 - my first ever marathon. I also enjoy watching sport, going to the gym and walking through the local parks. I travel back to Newcastle regularly to see my family and my beloved football team, Newcastle United.


One interesting fact about yourself

I have been on Tipping Point on ITV! I didn't win though unfortunately!