W/E 15th November
Another. Amazing. week.
Both classes have worked exceptionally hard this week. We are definitely stuck into our learning and keep pushing hard!
Science was really exciting this week. We have started our newest unit on sound and we had a double session. We went on a sound walk, to hear all the different places we could hear noise. We learnt how sound reaches our ears (vibrating particles that travel through air or solids). We also got to make a lot of noise in the Room of Curiosity with the instruments. We could physically feel the vibrations, as well as learning how we could enhance and stop the sound.
The second part of the lesson involved splashing water with a tuning fork and twanging taut string. Both activities proved that sound was caused by vibrations.
Community Bus Project
On Wednesday, we started a mini-project with two artists: Mandy and Luke. Our local area have been gifted a double decker bus that is going to become a resource for our community. We have been tasked to help come up with ideas for the bus. We are going to be thinking about interior and exterior decoration, as well as atmospheric things such as music. Luke is a musician and played us music from his piano accordion and didgeridoo. Using noises we might hear on a bus, we came up with a choral song.
Mandy got us to use our inspiration of what we might see during a bus journey to create abstract pictures, using paint sticks. We focussed hard for the full hour and we’re looking forward to next week’s session already!
Star of the Week is for Summer. She is always so positive, and has been working exceptionally hard on her handwriting!
The Learning Principle postcard is for Layla. She is being awarded the postcard for Being Positive. Layla is an outstanding member of our class. She is always positive and hardworking, and nothing distracts her from that!
PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is from Y4GH and is for Olivia. She showed excellent rhythm in our street dance routine, and really perfected the correct form for the skipping and galloping we did as a warm up.
Star of the Week is for Noah who has had a great week and produced lots of independent writing.
The Learning Principle postcard was given to Ivy for enjoying every challenge that has been set.
A great improvement this week. The children really are using the skills they have learnt.
Full marks – Well done!! These children scored 9 or above: Kenan, Charlie Abdul, Kurt, Reon, Esmai, Layla, Jessica, Sonny, Narin. Ellasu, Olivia and Archie
Y4MB: Corey, Naom, Aklil, Maisie, Robyn and Ivy scored 9 or above and both Charlie and Darcie scored full marks again – well done!
Beat That:
Y4GH: Our top scorer was Esmai H with 26. These children scored half marks or above: Bobby, Jessica, Ashton, and Olivia. Well done to you.
Y4MB: Our top scorer was Aklil with full marks again – superb! These children scored half marks or above: Corey, Naom, Charlie, Darcie, Robyn and Muadh. What brilliant job!
Y4GH: We have a few full marks again this week: Mia, Jessica and Ellasu. Great job guys! Kenan, Orlando, Layla and Finn all scored a brilliant 9.
Y4MB: Mr B’s class also had full marks scored: Amina, Bayan, Aklil, Darcie, Robyn, and Ivy. Fantastic work! Holly and Maisie both scored a brilliant 9.