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Friday 28th June

What a busy week we have had. In our writing, we wrote some similes and metaphors about our journey around Parkwood Springs. The children have produced some brilliant poems using their writing from this week. In maths, we have had a week of statistics where the children have looked at bar charts, pictograms and line graphs. These lessons went really well!


In our RSHE, we looked our second Anti-Racism lesson where the children were very mature about the scenarios they were given and had some brilliant discussions about the difference between Anti-Racist and Non-Racist. We also had a circle time this week, where we reflected on our year in Year 4 and wrote our new ‘I wish my teacher knew’ statements for our teachers next year.

Our PE continued on Monday and Wednesday – the children definitely all seem more involved in our dance lessons!

Y4KB postcard went to Brayden for his improvement in his maths lessons. He has worked harder to solve problems by himself this week.

Y4MB postcard went to Lexi-Mae for always making careful choices in everthing she does.


In Beat That, Y4MB: JJ, Alice< Soumaya, Sophia, Lexi-Mae and Hamza all gained their highest score of the term. In addition, Lottie once again scored over 50. Well done!

In Beat That in Y4KB: Saoirse, Kadie, Jibreel, Muaz, Annabelle, Paddy, Cory and Tegan all gained their highest score of the term. Well done!

In our CLIC in Y4MB: Hamza, Alice, Jakob and Lottie all scored 12/12. JJ, Tyler, Oliver and Lexi-Mae all scored 11. Lily, Izzy, Sophia Aria, Muiz and Bella all achieved their highest score of the term so far!

In CLIC in Y4KB: Paightyn, Saoirse, Mariyah, Girum, Namah, Naza Anayah and Bobbie-Jo all gained their highest score of the term. Annabelle, Noah and Muhammad all scored 12/12 for the 2nd week in a row!