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  • Y2 Art

    Published 17/05/24, by Marie Morton

    We have been doing Expressionism paintings this term.

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  • Geography in Y2

    Published 17/05/24, by Marie Morton

    We have been looking at an atlas to learn about the continents and oceans of the world.

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  • Y2 Geography : Australia

    Published 15/05/24, by Hilary Read

    We have been learning about different geographical features in Australia.  We have learnt what physical geographical features and human features are.  The children sorted different features and learnt about them.


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  • This week in Y2

    Published 10/05/24, by Hilary Read

    Great reading from Jameel, Charlotte, Riley, Levi, Rakaan, Hakimah, Kairo, Dolly, Leela, Amina, Junior, Harriett, Heidi, Kyra,  Joey, Lucas, Mikayl and Shatw. 

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  • Micro Habitats

    Published 10/05/24, by Hilary Read

    We have been looking for micro habitats outside to search for minibeasts and plants.

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  • This week in Year 2

    Published 03/05/24, by Hilary Read

    Great reading this week from Riley, Amani, Blake, Riley, Alisa, Rakaan, Summer, Hakimah, Dolly, Leela, Junior, Grace, Hamza, Harriett, Harrison, Joey, Lucas, Mikayl and Shatw.

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  • Computing - algorithms and debugging

    Published 02/05/24, by Ian Read

    We have been learning about algorithms and debugging which means giving a computer a set of instructions and then seeing if it works correctly or not.  If the instructions are not right then we need to find where the error is and re programme.  We have used BeeBots to do this.

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  • Summer Newsletter

    Published 29/04/24, by Marie Morton

    Here is our Summer Newsletter

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