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Friday Scores and Awards!

Here are the Friday scores and awards for this week.

Spelling Y6KH - Full marks for Serayah, Lola, Honey, Jaylen, Corbin and Amatullah.

Spelling Y6MS - Full marks for Faizan, Eliye, Daniel, Alisha, Millie, Kane, Jonathan, Muzamel, Ted and Amari.

CLIC Y6KH - 12 out of 12 for Jaylen. 10 or above for Eleanor and Amatullah.

CLIC Y6MS - 12 out of 12 for Ted. 10 or above for Faizan, Charlotte, Layla, Kane, Jaxton and Jonathan.

Beat That Y6KH - 72 or above for Sienna, Omer and Blake.

Beat That Y6MS - 72 or above for Faizan, Daniel, Kane, Jaxton, Jonathan, Emir, Muzamel, Ray, Amari and Benedi.


Y6KH - Value Being Special - Sienna. You are such a thoughtful and caring member of the class, who always thinks of others.

Y6MS - Enjoy Challenge - Gulsoom. You always enjoy the challenge of your learning! Well done!

Star of the Week (chosen by the children):

Y6KH - Corbin.

Y6MS - Charlotte.

P.E. Star of the Week:

Layla! Well done!