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Friday Scores

Here are our scores from this week as well as our awards.

Thank you to those families who have returned maths and English study books. If you haven't sent them back yet, can you do so before the end of term so we have them ready for next year - thanks.

CLIC Y6KH - 12 out of 12 for Harry, Ava, Max, Scarlett, Raniah, Rebekah, Rizwan and Siraj. 10 or above for Erica, Ruby, Amelia, Zaid and Kaif.

CLIC Y6MS - 12 out of 12 for Blair, Meryem, Reece, Bailey and Tyler. 10 or above for Joe, Ali, Jacob, Isha, Harley, Teigan, Punyasree, Safia, Bently, Atiba, Harlon and Riley.

Beat That Y6KH - 72 or above for Scarlett, Rebekah and Rizwan.

Beat That Y6MS - 72 or above for Jacob, Tyreece, Bailey, Riley, Tyler and Atiba.


Y6KH - Learn Together  - Precious, Rebekah, Vinmaya, Erica and Siraj for helping out in Y1 and nursery.

Y6MS - Enjoy challenge - Logan Foster for navigating successfully a new secondary school.

Star of the Week (chosen by the children):

Y6KH - Vinmaya - her very last Friday with us.

Y6MS - Elijah

P.E. Star of the Week: Precious

! Well done!