Golden Rules
Our Golden Rules
1. We are positive and polite
We don’t act in an impolite way
2. We are gentle
We don’t hurt anyone
3. We are kind and helpful
We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings
4. We listen well
We don’t interrupt
5. We are honest
We don’t cover up the truth
6. We work hard
We don’t waste our own or other’s time
7. We look after property
We don’t waste or damage things
Every Child Matters - Every Day
Be Healthy
Stay Safe
Enjoy & Achieve
Make a Positive Contribution
Achieve Economic Well-Being
The 5 key outcomes for all of our children are part of the Government’s framework for education and they are what we want all our pupils to achieve during their time at Watercliffe Meadow and beyond.
From the initial home visit before children start school to the records we pass on to Parkwood or other secondary schools, we monitor children’s progress against these underpinning outcomes.
Each term, staff use the information collected in school relating to these outcomes to inform progress meetings for every child in every class. It gives the staff a ‘holistic picture’ of a child’s learning and emotional and social development at any point in time.
We are always looking for opportunities to celebrate children’s achievements across these outcomes and we will always share these with you as well as any concerns we may have about your child’s welfare or development.
Here are some of the ways that we promote the 5 Every Child Matters outcomes at Watercliffe Meadow:
Be Healthy
We actively promote healthy eating throughout the curriculum; in the Meadow Cafe, through parent workshops and through our healthy eating policy. We want pupils and parents to be able to make informed decisions about their diet.
We encourage pupils to be fit and active and provide the minimum entitlement of 2 hours of quality PE for every child each week through our broad PE curriculum and by providing a range of engaging additional activities from which children can choose. We also encourage healthy activity during social times and we actively promote the importance of regular exercise. We also want our pupils to be ‘emotionally healthy’ as well as physically healthy.
An important part of our daily and weekly planned curriculum focusses on the development of children’s emotional and social skills. Children who feel emotionally vulnerable have access to our learning mentor and support staff team and we work closely with outside agencies to provide children and families with additional support whenever it is needed.
Stay Safe
We want all our children to feel safe and cared for. Our Golden Rules are the code by which we all live at Watercliffe Meadow. These life rules help to ensure high standards of behaviour and a respectful community. We have very clear behaviour and anti-bullying policies (see our ‘parent summary guides’) and the rewards and sanctions for all children are outlined in these. For children who feel upset or vulnerable, we have a range of ‘listening systems’ and support set up to give children opportunities to talk about their concerns and feelings.
Our safeguarding policy clearly states that where we have concerns about a child’s welfare, we will not hesitate to contact parents and carers and involve outside agencies if necessary.
Enjoy and Achieve
For every single child at Watercliffe Meadow, enjoying and achieving in their learning is central to everything we do. Our staff plan for creative and relevant experiences that will engage children in their learning. We want children to develop enquiring minds, become good problem solvers and be able to work well with others. The basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy underpin success in learning and we all work very hard to ensure all of our children develop these skills.
Where children need additional support or an individualised programme to help them succeed, we have trained staff who provide the appropriate support and guidance. We also actively help children to discover their own unique strengths and abilities and promote success. We know that success in one aspect of the curriculum can be channelled to help in other areas where children may feel less confident.
Attendance and punctuality are important factors in enjoying and achieving. We want children to come to Watercliffe Meadow because they enjoy coming, simply because it is a great place to be. Where a child’s attendance or punctuality causes us concern and falls below 90%, we will work with parents to explore the reasons why and provide the necessary support to improve it. As a school, our whole school attendance target is over 95%.
Make a Positive Contribution
Our mission statement illustrates the value we place on the importance of our children becoming ‘global citizens’. We want our children to develop a growing awareness and appreciation of other people and know about the ever-changing world in which they live. This is something we will enable children to learn about through planned curriculum experiences and teaching that will actively develop social and community cohesion and global citizenship.
In addition, there are many ways that children can make a positive contribution and share a responsibility for the welfare of our community. These include us having a community council where our children are given a real say in issues that affect them; being trained as peer mediators, play leaders, office helpers, not to mention a range of other jobs, which children can apply for to help in the day-to-day running of Watercliffe Meadow. We also want to extend the opportunities for our children to make a positive contribution to the wider local community and are actively looking for partners to develop and strengthen links with.
Achieve Economic Well-Being
As well as developing our children as independent learners and global citizens who want to make a positive contribution to their community, we recognise that a significant part of our role is to support families so that everyone, so that everyone can access learning and employment opportunities.
Since opening, we have maintained a commitment to promoting lifelong learning from ‘0-100’. We run a volunteer programme with the aim of raising aspirations and employment opportunities for our local community. We run a range of parent workshops and programmes to engage our families in learning and work closely with Save the Children and deliver a number of their core programmes on an annual cycle.
Living Together in an Inclusive and Nurturing Environment
We hope that everyone who comes to Watercliffe Meadow finds it to be a warm, welcoming and friendly place. For children, staff, families and other visitors we want it to have a ‘homely feel’ where everyone respects and appreciates each other and where everyone can see that learning is valued.
We have created a variety of different spaces for learning, both inside and outside to suit different people’s learning needs. Our ‘Front of House’ staff, our Community Learning Room, the Magic Room and our Meadow Café are all important parts of creating this welcoming and nurturing environment. We expect all children and all adults to look after our school and the decision to have indoor footwear for pupils is a practical step towards keeping our building clean and tidy.
In a place that so many people share every day, we need to have a code of conduct that everyone adheres to. This is essential in creating a calm atmosphere for learning and in maintaining the smooth running of day-to-day life. Our ‘Golden Rules’ are what we ask every family to sign up to in our Home/School Agreement and they are what we will all live by every day. Almost every child follows our Golden Rules all the time. For them there is an important weekly reward each Friday afternoon. ‘Sparkly Golden Time’ is an entitlement for all children and everyone starts each week with 30 minutes of this special time. The only reason that children will lose their golden time on Friday afternoon is if they break our golden rules and lose it in blocks of 5 minutes at any time during the week. Although we have a number of other reward systems and sanctions, ‘Sparkly Golden Time’ linked to the ‘Golden Rules’ is the backbone of our positive approach to developing good behaviour. Because it works so well for most of our pupils, this means that for the very small number of children who find it hard to keep to the golden rules all the time, we can focus our energies and support in helping them to do so. When this is the case, we involve and work with families to change the behaviour that is causing us all concern. In such cases, it is essential that we work together to change the pattern of behaviour.
Please read our ‘Positive Behaviour Guide’ and ‘Anti-Bullying’ leaflet for further information about promoting positive behaviour at Watercliffe Meadow.
We are a Trauma Informed School
TIS UK Award Visit Report
School/Organisation |
Watercliffe Meadow Primary |
Headteacher/CEO |
Ian Read (Headteacher)
Claire Bradley (Head of School)
Emma Wayper (Assistant Head) |
Date: |
21/09/23 |
Consultant: |
Annie Chappell |
Protect |
Criteria |
Evidence |
1 |
Ensuring children feel psychologically safe in school due to an established culture of warmth and social engagement in staff-pupil interactions |
Watercliffe Meadows Primary School has consistently demonstrated an excellent approach to trauma-informed education, with a strong emphasis on fostering psychological safety and adhering to the PROTECT principles for both pupils and parents. On my arrival at the school, I was greeted warmly by the receptionist Sue who shook my hand and made me feel incredibly welcome. All staff members I interacted with were warm, playful and welcoming. One early year’s member of staff invited me down to visit their class, whilst dancing in the corridor, which was delightful! Outstanding "Meet and Greet" Protocol: Watercliffe Meadows Primary School's "Meet and Greet" protocol is extraordinary. Not only does it exemplify the school's dedication to psychological safety, but it also underlines the commitment to PROTECT: Psychological Safety: Every student is personally met at the classroom door each morning, creating a physically safe and welcoming environment.
Relational Safety: Many senior leadership team members participate, ensuring that students and parents feel a strong sense of relational safety and connection.
2 |
The environment supports and promotes the psychological safety of children and young people |
3 |
Key interventions implemented to support a culture of warmth and social engagement in staff-pupil interactions |
4 |
Staff trained in empathic and playful modes of interaction (attending specifically to use of their language and voice) |
5 |
Staff using empathic and playful modes of interaction (attending specifically to use of their language and voice) PACEFUL approaches are used effectively. |
Protect |
Criteria |
Evidence |
6 |
Vulnerable children knowing when and where to find at least one specific and emotionally-available adult |
Operational Safety: The protocol enhances operational safety by ensuring a smooth start to the school day, reducing congestion and promoting punctuality.
Cultural Safety: The warm and playful interactions with parents of diverse backgrounds exemplify the school's commitment to cultural safety.
It was the best meet and greet I have seen during my time in schools and it did not feel like I was in a school playground. The school and SLT are to be commended on their consistency and determination in creating such a warm and welcoming environment. There were many examples of parents who had until recently struggled to come into school or to speak to any members of staff who are now happy to stop and have a chat and connect with the head. It felt more like a family than a school. Morning Check-Ins with the Headteacher and Head of School: Watercliffe Meadows Primary School distinguishes itself by the morning check-ins conducted by the headteacher and head of school. This practice is highly valued by students, providing them with a unique opportunity for daily connection and support. The personal touch of these check-ins fosters a sense of belonging and emotional safety among pupils. The children I met all valued the visits every day. It highlights the school's dedication to ensuring that every student feels seen, heard, and valued from the moment they arrive at school.
Utilisation of ACEs Questionnaire and Boxall Profile: The school's utilisation of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) questionnaires and Boxall Profiles showcases a proactive approach to understanding students' needs. These tools help identify students who may require additional support and intervention. The data collected from these assessments guides the school in tailoring support programs that address specific areas of need.
Circle time activities and mentorship programs, which stem from this data, provide crucial one-to-one and group support, further strengthening the school's commitment to psychological safety.
7 |
Vulnerable children having daily, easy access to at least one specific and emotionally-available adult |
8 |
The school community actively promotes equality and acceptance. It addresses discrimination in terms of race, culture, religion, sexuality and all forms of difference with rigour and compassion |
9 |
Promote and value the development of the whole child to ensure that children understand that their self-worth and the worth of others cannot be measured simply by tests/exams. ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all’ Aristotle |
10 |
Continually provide experiences for the child that promote and foster a child’s love of learning, protect their innate joie de vivre and desire to explore the world around them and engender a sense of purpose in life. |
11 |
School staff adjusting expectations and practices around vulnerable children to correspond with those children’s developmental capabilities and experience of traumatic stress and loss |
12 |
The emotional wellbeing of staff is a high priority that is reflected in policy and practice across the school. The school demonstrates proactive and high quality interventions in discharging its duty of care |
Protect |
Criteria |
Evidence |
Ensuring that school staff feel valued and highly respected by Senior Leads, with frequent feedback from Senior Leads on what they are doing well with specific reference to how they are enhancing the children’s wellbeing. |
Trauma-Informed Support from TISUK Practitioners: Watercliffe Meadows has five TISUK (Trauma Informed Schools UK) practitioners and are hoping to get two more trained. They have been instrumental in supporting staff through in-house training and briefings. These practitioners have equipped staff with valuable insights, fostering a trauma-informed approach. The training has empowered staff with knowledge about ACEs, toxic stress, the window of tolerance, PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy), and the language of WINE ( Wonder, Imagine, Notice with Empathy). This knowledge shift is reflected in their interactions with students.
All the staff I spoke to, could talk to me about PACE and how it impacted their interactions with pupils. Many of them sounded as if they had done the diploma even though they have only had the WST and Training from in-house practitioners. This shows how important the trauma informed approach is to staff and how it is consistently and regularly being reinforced by SLT and the practitioners.
The shift from asking "What is wrong with them?" to "What has happened to them?" signifies a fundamental change in perspective and emphasizes the school's commitment to understanding and addressing the underlying causes of behavioural and emotional challenges.
Emotionally available Adults:
All students could name at least one emotionally available adult that they could go to if they had an issue.
In addition, the school utilises an approach called bubble time where students can either verbally ask to speak to their EAA, or use a peg on a board/lanyard to show that they need some support.
This will be followed up by the teacher, asking who the people would wish to speak to and arranging this. Within year six, all pupils have a wand buddy.
Whilst in the summer term of year five, pupils make a wand and they imbue it with a wish.
The staff all select a student that they would like to be buddied with, in year six. That student’s wand is then given to the member of staff and early in the new year the staff member finds their buddy and shows them they were magically given the wand!
The staff member then has regular check-ins with the student sometimes informally at other times more formally, but they are wand buddies for the whole of year six.
Governors' Observations: Transformation in School Environment: The school governors reported a remarkable transformation in the school's environment since adopting a trauma informed approach. They noted that the school has transitioned from an atmosphere characterised by "parents fighting in classes and everyone being angry" to one that is now characterised by a sense of calm, purpose, and patience. Governors have open access to the school and classrooms so are well placed to see the changes.
Shift in Language Use: One of the most significant changes identified by the governors was the evident shift in language use throughout the school. They observed that the language employed by both students and staff has become more respectful, empathetic, and supportive. This change has played a pivotal role in fostering a positive and nurturing environment. Support for Parents: The governors highlighted the school's enhanced support for parents as a key factor contributing to the improved atmosphere. They noted that one of the school's mentors actively collaborates in conducting "needs-led sessions" with parents and their children. These sessions are designed to model a relational and nurturing approach, offering valuable guidance to parents on fostering positive relationships with their children.
School Trips: The school are invested in opening the Place of Awe & Wonder for all of their students. Every year, each year group goes on a residential trip. When I met with the students this topic was the one that got them the most excited - I heard about camping trips, travelling down to London and their enthusiasm and excitement was contagious. The school staff are committed to giving up their free time to do this each year as they want the children to have as many and as a wide a variety of experiences as possible. It was clear to see this pays dividend when talking to the young people. Watercliffe Meadows Primary School's outstanding approach to ensuring psychological safety and adhering to PROTECT principles within a trauma-informed framework is a model for schools everywhere. The school's dedication to creating a an emotionally safe environment for pupils and parents, combined with its commitment to understanding and addressing the root causes of trauma, has resulted in a thriving, resilient school community.
Relate |
Criteria |
Evidence |
14 |
A Relationship Policy or protocol (for staff) alongside Behaviour Policy (for pupils) is in place. |
Watercliffe Meadows Primary School has set a remarkable standard in fostering relationships (RELATE) for both pupils and parents within the context of a trauma-informed approach. It has a strong focus on meeting the unique needs of each child and creating a nurturing and inclusive environment. Understanding Beyond Behaviour: One of the core strengths of Watercliffe Meadows is the staff's deep understanding of the importance of looking beyond behaviour and recognising the underlying needs of each child. This understanding is cultivated using ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) questionnaires and Boxall Profiles, as well as the comprehensive training staff members have received in trauma-informed practices – PACE, WINE etc. Staff members are equipped with the tools and knowledge to identify the impact of adverse experiences on students and to respond with empathy and support. There is a clear shift towards strengthening relationships by addressing the root causes of behaviour, creating a more compassionate and understanding school culture.
Embracing PACE and Curiosity: Watercliffe Meadows actively employs the PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy) approach, emphasising the importance of being curious rather than attempting to ‘fix’ students. This approach encourages educators to engage with students in a manner that fosters trust and emotional safety. The emphasis on curiosity encourages open dialogue and allows students to share their experiences and emotions without fear of judgement or criticism. Some staff shared that previously their focus was to try and fix the problem for the student as opposed to truly understanding the child’s experience. This shift has helped to deepen relationships and move pupils from a place of blocked trust to trust. Jenny Mosley Circle Time Model: The implementation of the Jenny Mosley Circle Time model is a testament to the school's commitment to relational well-being. Weekly circle time sessions in each class provide a structured platform for students to explore their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Assessments such as Boxall Profiles and ACEs often inform the focus of these sessions, ensuring that they address the specific needs of students, further strengthening relationships within the classroom as well as pupils’ emotional vocabulary. "I Wish My Teacher Knew" Activity: Watercliffe Meadows utilises the "I Wish My Teacher Knew" activity, which invites students to share their thoughts and feelings in a safe and confidential manner. This activity encourages open communication and allows teachers to better understand their students' needs and experiences. Relationship Policy Aligned with PROTECT, RELATE, REGULATE, & REFLECT: The school has adopted a Relationship Policy that aligns with the framework of PROTECT, RELATE, REGULATE, and REFLECT. This policy places a clear focus on relationships as the cornerstone of trauma-informed practice. By staff and SLT modelling this approach, the school demonstrates its commitment to creating a relational culture where every individual feels valued and understood.
Learning Mentors and Targeted Interventions: Watercliffe Meadows employ Learning Mentors who provide specific and planned 1:1 and theraplay group work for students identified as needing more targeted support. These interventions are carried out in dedicated spaces like The Magic Room and The Room of Curiosity. This personalised approach ensures that students receive the support they need to address their individual challenges, further nurturing relationships with caring adults in the school community.
I witnessed pupils checking in with their mentors first thing and these interactions were full of PACE and with opportunities for the pupils to express how they were feeling that day, including any issues from the night before or any problems with the day ahead.
I also had the chance to observe a group theraplay session in The Room of Curiosity. This group had been thoughtfully brought together through an overlap of need, and the activities were planned accordingly, and supported through the facilitation of two mentors. The whole tone, pace and energy of the group was amazing to watch. Pupil Support with EAA’s and Bubble Time: All students at Watercliffe Meadows can name at least one Emotionally Available Adult (EAA) and are familiar with the Bubble Time system, which they can use to signal when they need time to talk or process their emotions. This system empowers students to take an active role in their own emotional well-being and communicates the school's commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment. The system is particularly helpful as children can either verbally indicate their need support or use a peg which they place on the staff members lanyard or on a sign in the classroom. This helps the pupils who find asking for support too anxiety provoking to do this in a safer, non-verbal way. Watercliffe Meadows Primary School's exceptional ability to foster relationships (RELATE) within a trauma-informed approach is a testament to its dedication to the well-being of its pupils. Through a combination of assessment tools, training, structured activities, and a clear policy framework, the school creates an environment where relationships are valued, understood, and prioritised. The positive impact of these practices is evident in the trust and emotional safety that permeate the school community. During the time I spent with the pupils they were very keen to tell me about how playful the staff were, including when the pupils created a trick to lock the head teacher in a cupboard! This was obviously in collaboration with all staff but was also filmed as a guide for other pupils who may wish to trick a teacher into a confined space. The head teacher proudly showed me this video when three other students came to see me at lunchtime to make sure I'd heard all about this. The playfulness is within every encounter and was a joy to witness.
15 |
Staff trained in interventions that help them get to know children better on an individual basis |
16 |
Staff using interventions that help them get to know children better on an individual basis |
17 |
A whole-school approach to supporting vulnerable children to see themselves, their relationships and the world more positively |
18 |
18 Helping vulnerable children shift from ‘blocked trust’ to trust, and from self-help to help-seeking |
19 |
Provision of repeated positive experiences for children with key emotionally-available adults |
20 |
Staff work within an environment and culture that supports them to have daily repeated positive relational experiences |
Regulate |
Criteria |
21 |
A variety of evidence-based interventions designed to bring down stress levels in vulnerable children from toxic to tolerable |
Watercliffe Meadows School is doing a great job in supporting the regulation (REGULATE) of its pupils within practices, which are designed to help students manage their emotional states, stay within their "window of tolerance," and thrive in a supportive learning environment. Understanding Toxic Stress and Window of Tolerance: The staff at Watercliffe Meadows exhibit a strong understanding of toxic stress and its impact on students' regulation. The school's efforts are particularly evident in the following practices:
Affect Labelling and Mental State Talk: Trained staff could clearly talk about their use of affect labelling and mental state talk, enabling them to articulate and discuss students' emotional experiences. This ability helps students understand and communicate their emotions effectively, a crucial aspect of co-regulation, which leads to self-regulation. The mentors could demonstrate pupils and parents who had gone from showcasing their distress to asking for help from them as key support figures. Key staff are adept at moving pupils and parents from a place of Blocked Trust to Trust. Stress Plans for Pupils: Watercliffe Meadow employs stress plans tailored to individual students' needs. In staff team meetings, trauma-informed ideas are developed and implemented to support students in staying within their window of tolerance. This may include personalised check-in time with the mentors in the morning. They may have some breakfast whilst looking at the day ahead, discussing any issues, drawing how they’re feeling and finishing with a puzzle or game. One stress plan involved coming up with a creative strategy for a child to facilitate participation in class settings instead of just calling out. Safety Cues and Presentation Awareness: The school places a strong emphasis on safety cues and awareness of non-verbal communication. Staff members recognise the significance of their voice, face, and body language in affecting traumatised pupils' regulation. The explicit consideration of these factors helps create an environment where students feel safe and less likely to experience emotional dysregulation. Indeed, exclusions have dropped significantly in the last 5 years. Lunchtime Indoor Classroom Support: One member of staff provides a lunchtime indoor classroom where students experiencing difficulties on the playground can seek support as and when needed. Through curiosity and empathic responses, staff help pupils to reflect and regulate their emotions, preventing small issues from escalating. This support space allows play leaders outside to focus on other students and engage in various activities, contributing to a calmer and more inclusive playground environment. 6Implementation of Zones of Regulation Program: Watercliffe Meadows Primary School is taking proactive steps by introducing the Zones of Regulation program, which will replace their existing "Feeling Score." This program empowers students with tools and strategies to identify their emotions effectively, promoting awareness and emotional well-being. By fostering an environment that prioritises emotional safety and equipping staff with the tools and knowledge needed to help students regulate their emotions effectively, the school sets a powerful example for others. Watercliffe Meadows' dedication to nurturing emotional regulation is a cornerstone of its trauma-informed approach, fostering resilience and success amongst its students.
22 |
Evidence-based interventions that may go some way to repair brain damage caused by painful life experience where there was no social buffering |
23 |
Whole-school training has been undertaken in the evidence-based research on emotional regulation |
24 |
School Staff apply knowledge gained in training to ensure that there is a whole school approach to regulation using PACE (play acceptance curiosity and empathy) PRRR, Key Relational Skills and cues of safety including when working with distressed/ stressed parents, staff and other adults so the whole school community feels calmed, heard, connected with and valued |
25 |
Senior Leaders to be aware of high stress states in staff |
26 |
Senior Leaders to provide stressed staff with sufficient emotional regulation e.g. ‘Reflect and Restore’ staff-only spaces and evidence-based stress reducing interventions, e.g. clinical supervision, timetabled time in a protected calm environment e.g. sensory zone, or for mindfulness |
Reflect |
Criteria |
Evidence |
27 |
All staff trained in the art of active listening and have the words to say it’ for empathic response to pupils, staff and parents |
Watercliffe Meadow Primary School has consistently demonstrated a remarkable ability to support pupils in their journey of reflection, enabling them to process past experiences and navigate current issues through a trauma-informed lens. Mentoring and Group Work: The school's mentoring programs, including 1:1 and group sessions, are a testament to its commitment to supporting pupils through reflection. These programs are informed by comprehensive assessments and staff feedback, ensuring that the support provided is tailored to the unique needs of each student. The mentors exhibit a deep sense of empathy and employ trauma-informed theory to guide their interactions, creating a safe space for pupils to reflect on their experiences and emotions. Both the check-ins and theraplay sessions I observed were outstanding in their use of PACE, regulatory activities, risk-taking and exploration of emotions. Transformative Sandtray Work: Watercliffe Meadows has made excellent use of sandtray work as a therapeutic tool, profoundly impacting the lives of students and their families. Among the myriad resources available to all the children, sandplay has emerged as a particularly powerful tool for one young individual. This approach allows pupils to externalize their experiences and emotions, providing a tangible and non-verbal means of reflection. Proficient Use of WINE Language: The prolific use of WINE language ("I wonder...," "I imagine...," "I notice...") is a cornerstone of Watercliffe Meadow's trauma-informed approach. This language is employed with empathy to help pupils open-up and explore their thoughts and feelings. The use of questions like "Can you help me understand?" encourages pupils to engage in self-reflection and facilitates meaningful conversations about their experiences. Utilisation of Feelings Drawings: The school's staff members have embraced the use of feelings drawings as a powerful tool for encouraging pupils to reflect on their emotions and thoughts in a non-verbal manner. This approach is particularly valuable for students who may find it challenging to express themselves verbally. Or for those who do not yet have the reflective capacity with language available to them. Watercliffe often encourage children to use drawings to convey their thoughts and feelings. Drawing provides a comfortable and low-pressure avenue for expression, freeing children from the constraints of verbal communication.
Weekly Circle-Time in All Classes: In alignment with the Jenny Mosley Model, Watercliffe Meadows ensures that all classes have weekly circle-time sessions. These sessions are thoughtfully informed by assessments and staff feedback, ensuring that they address the specific needs of each class and its students. Weekly circle-time sessions provide a structured platform for students to reflect on their experiences, share their thoughts and feelings, and build a sense of community within their class. This practice encourages self-expression, empathy, and understanding.
28 |
Key staff trained in reflective conversations to enable vulnerable children to edit the inaccurate narratives they have told themselves and move towards trauma recovery. |
29 |
No child left without help to process, talk through and make sense of major painful life events when they want to, with someone trained to provide empathic response. |
30 |
Children provided with the means (e.g. through poetry/music/art/ sandplay/drama) to symbolise painful life experiences through images not just words |
31 |
Through the teaching of PSHE (Personal, social, and health education) the wider curriculum and other opportunities children and young people are well informed by the latest research on the neuroscience and psychology of emotion and mental health and ill-health (causes as well as symptoms). |
33 |
Through the teaching of PSHE (Personal, social, and health education) the wider curriculum and other opportunities children and young people are informed by the latest research on the neuroscience and psychology of relationships that harm and relationships that heal and on how to use life well.
Senior Leaders to provide staff with a forum to talk in confidence about their feelings and particular stress triggers from their work |
Overall Assessment:
It is difficult to sum up in a report how magical it feels to be at Watercliffe Meadow School, and I am concerned that this report could not do them justice nor could I get in every single example of good practise. My sincere apologies if I have missed some parts out. From the moment I entered the school until I left it felt like being in a place of real belonging with a strong trauma informed approach running through the core of the staff. The SLT's commitment to training, the approach and their well-being agenda with staff is to be highly commended and can be felt not only by myself, but by every governor, child, or staff member that I met. The school has not had an easy history and is fully aware of the catchment area and community that they serve but do it wholeheartedly and with a deep respect for their families. Watercliffe Meadow school and the staff are truly a gift to their community and highly deserving of this award. Huge congratulations and immense gratitude for a wonderful day.
Reported completed by:
Annie Chappell |
Date: |
29/09/2023 |