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Fabulous Friday 13th September

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We have had another fabulous week of learning and are so proud of each and every child!



We have continued with place value this week, and have been manipulating larger and larger numbers. There has been lots of use of counters and place value strips for us to use whilst we complete challenges.



We are on the first week of writing about an amazing animation called ‘Blue Umbrella’. We have been working hard to write sentences that include adjectives and stretching ourselves to also use fronted adverbials.



Gas was the state of matter we have been focussing on this week. We did a brilliant investigation into whether gas has a mass, using balloons and balancing. We had a fab time!



As a part of learning about the different aspects of what invasion is, we played a game that is based on the game ‘Risk’. We tried to occupy different territory from our partner by invading.



After the fun of sensory pattern making last week, this week we have been following rules. Each child created a pattern that followed a set of simple guidelines, before making their own to follow. The outcomes were extremely creative.



Our first computing session saw us completing some typing practice, including capital letters, and creating our own folders.



Star of the Week is for Kurt. He has settled into our class so well and is really pushing himself with his learning.


The Learning Principle postcard is for Esmai H for Making Links. When doing a quiz about the states of matter, Esmai was able to make links to what we had learnt in our science lessons and explain it really clearly.


PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is from Y4MB and is for Aklil. She had an amazing session with EVO who said: “She is very athletic. As well as this, she works well in teams.”



Star of the Week is for Robyn. She has worked well on her own, with others and she shows resilience when the going gets tough.


The Learning Principle postcard is for Muadh for Being Positive. Every single day he has shown a positive attitude in his learning and he has worked hard,



Y4GH: 7 children scored 8/12 and above, which is brilliant for the first official week. Well done Kenan, Kurt, Orlando, Bobby, Layla and Finn. Narin earned full marks – brilliant stuff!

Y4MB: 6 children scored 8/12 or above which is brilliant for the first official week. Well done Amina, Aklil, Corey, Kamari, Charlie and Robyn.


Beat That:

Y4GH: Our top scorer was Bobby with 25/42; 5 other children scored 15 and above: Kenan, Esmai H, Layla, Olivia and Archie – fab job!

Y4MB: Our top scorer was Charlie with 26/42; 6 other children scored 15 and above: Amina, Aklil, CoreyNaom, Maisie and Darcie – fab job!



Y4GH: Layla got full marks in her spelling test – awesome! Kenan, Narin and Finn only dropped one mark, scoring 9. Well done to them and everyone who took the time to practise at home.

Y4MB: Aklil, Darcie and Robyn got full marks in their spelling test – awesome! Amina and Muadh only dropped one mark, scoring 9. Well done to them and everyone who took the time to practise at home.