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This week in Y4 01.07.24

What a busy week we have had. In our writing, we wrote some similes and metaphors about our journey around pollution of our planet. The children have produced some brilliant poems using their writing from this week. In maths, we have had a week consolidation: we looked at shape and statistics.

In Art, we have sketched out our ‘still life’ that we photographed. Next week, we will be painting them.

Our PE continued on Monday and Thursday – the children definitely all seem more involved in our dance lessons – being able to use the hall was much better for dance although the children did ‘yoga’ as a warm up.

Y4KB postcard went to Anam for making careful choices in her writing and producing a brilliant poem about pollution!

Y4MB postcard went to Aiman. He had a really good transition with Mr T and has made much better choices in class.

In Beat That, Y4MB: Alexia, Soumaya, Josh, Sophia, Aiman, Oliver, Mani and Miah all scored their best this term. In addition, Lottie once again scored over 50. Well done!

In Beat That in Y4KB: Paightyn, Noah and Paddy all scored their highest of the term. Well done to Muhammad who scored 51!

In our CLIC in Y4MB: Lexi-Mae (her first time!), Tyler, Alice, Jakob and Lottie all scored 12/12. JJ and Vinnie both scored 11. Vinnie achieved his highest score of the term so far!

In CLIC in Y4KB:  Evie-Rae, Tarika, Caleb, Jibreel and Paddy all gained their highest score of the term. Charlie, Libby, Anabelle, Oakley, Noah and Tegan all scored 12/12. Charlie for the first time this term well done!