Friday Superstars

Here are the Friday superstars for the week beginning 17th March.
CLIC Y3SB – There 11s for Hamza and Noor this week. Super work! 10s for Ava C, Mikayl, Evelina, Grace, Maryam and Tassie. Ida and Reneaha got their personal best scores!
Beat That Y3SB- Some really good scores from Luther, Hamza, Ava C, Zainab, Evelina, Shatw, Tassie and Maryam. Personal best scores from Luther and Shatw.
CLIC Y3KB – Lots of 11s this week. Well done to Jameel, Blake, Matin, Rayaan, Rakaan, Savannah, Hakimah, Kairo, Dolly and Ava. 10s for Jack (for the first time) , Levi, Malik and Amani.
Beat That Y3KB- Some amazing scores from Jameel, Ezmae, Alisa, Rayaan, Rakaan, Kairo, Odain and Dolly. Personal bests from Teegan, Blake, Malik and Sufyan.
Y3SB- Be Positive – Goes to Luther for always trying his best to follow all of our Golden Rules. He is kind, polite and honest. Keep being amazing Luther.
Y3KB- Be Positive – Goes to 2 people this week in our class- Benjamin and Jameel! The boys have tried really hard to be positive both inside and outside the classroom and have really tried hard during independent learning!
Star of the Week:
Y3SB – Tassie for being brilliantly happy and smiley all week! Your positivity is infectious Tassie, please keep bringing it to school!
Y3KB – Rayaan for making the right choices all the time no matter what he is doing and just being a fabulous learner and person to have in the classroom!
PE Star of the week to Reneaha for some amazing jumps in our gymnastics lesson.
Weekly reads: Reading is still not great in Y3KB. We really need to be reading more. Well done to Blake, Levi, Alisa, Matin, Rayaan, Rakaan, Hakimah and Dolly from Y3KB who all did 5 reads or over this week!
In Y3SB, we had 13 children who brought their journal and recorded reads. Luther, Joey, Hamza, Evelina, Shatw, Tassie, Lucas, Amina and Darcey all read at least 4 times this week – well done!
There are some children who have now earned their reading badge for the term however if you still want your reads counting MONDAY is the last day to bring your journal!