Spring Newsletter
You can find our Y2 Spring Newsletter here!
Please check in regularly to see what we've been up to and to keep updated.
You can always speak to us about any questions or concerns. You can also contact us by email on y2@watercliffe.sheffield.sch.uk
You can find our Y2 Spring Newsletter here!
Great reading from Ava, Maryam, Bodie, Ivy, Ava, Uno and Bethany.
Good spelling from Arissa, Laawi, Rindazin, Saad, Yousef and Yunus B.
We gave postcards to Aarav and Oakley.
Have a lovely holiday and we will see you back on Monday 14th April.
PE will be inside on Mondays and outside on Thursdays.
Please encourage your child to complete the Easter Reads booklet that will be sent home. Your child needs to have 30 entries before Friday 25th April. These reads will also count towards summer term reads. Please see the attached poster for our Egg Decorating Competition.
We had great spelling this week. Annie, Arllie, Aria, Ava, Evie, Hasnain, Layla, Manaar, Maryam, Pippa, Rawen, Rindazin, Rocco,Saad, Yunus B, Yunus M, Harry, Bodie, Ivy, Ava, Lorcan, Amaara, Chioma, Joel, Bethany, Sayid, Hameem, Andrianna, Scarlet and Aarav.
Well done for this week's reading to Annie, Arllie, Eoin, Evie, Laawi, Maryam, Pippa, Yousef, Yunus B, Bodie, Ivy, Ava, Chioma, Bethany and Hameem.
We gave postcard to Jessie and Darisimi.
Great reading this week from Ivy, Bodie, Ava, Uno, Chioma, Bethany, Laawi, Yousef, Eoin, Holly, Arllie, Ava, Pippa and Saad.
Full marks in spellings for Harry, Bodie, Ivy, Shiloh, Ava, Uno, Chioma, Andrianna, Aarav, Yousef and Yunus B.
Postcards this week went to Ivy, Kiki and Annie.
After the Easter holidays we have an exciting event: our Eid celebration!
Great spelling from Arllie, Arissa, Evie, Rindazin, Yousef, Yunus B, Yunus M, Harry, Kyron, Ivy, Shiloh, Ava, Lorcan, Amaara, Chioma, Sayid and Andrianna
We want more children to read at home. You child should be reading 4 times every week. You only have 2 more weeks to complete 40 reads and get a reading badge.
Great reading for Arllie, Ava, Eoin, Hollie, Yousef, Yunus B, Bodie, Ivy, Ava, Uno, Chioma. Bethany and Joel.
We gave postcards to Layla, Maryam, Rocco, Sarah and Angelica.
We had a great time at The Tropical Butterfly House. We saw lots of animals and plants and learnt about the rainforest.
Red Nose Day is Friday 21st March 2025.
Red noses for sale!
This half term we will be completing a Design and Technology project and we will be looking at vehicles used to move heavy equipment. We will look at the use of wheels and axles in these vehicles and then we will be looking to design a vehicle of our own. If you have any empty cardboard boxes or cereal boxes, please could you send them in for us to use.
Great reading this week from Annie, Arllie, Laawi, Maryam, Pippa, Yousuf, Bodie, Ivy, Ava, Uno, Chioma, Bethany and Hameem.
Full marks in spellings from Harry, Ivy, Shiloh, Ava, Amaara, Chioma, Sayid, Hameem, Andrianna, Aarav, Evie and Yunus B.
Postcards went to Pippa and Bodie - well done!
Next week is half term and so we return to school on Monday 24th February.
Our visit to The Tropical Butterfly House is on Tuesday 4th March (second week back). Please can you make sure that you have completed the permission and paid in the school system.
There is an INSET day on Wednesday 12th March - school will be closed to children.
Next half term we would like all children to try really hard to read at least 4 times a week.
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