Spring 1 Newsletters
You can find our Y1 Spring Newsletter here!
Please check in regularly to see what we've been up to and to keep updated.
You can always speak to us about any questions or concerns. You can also contact us by email on y1@watercliffe.sheffield.sch.uk
You can find our Y1 Spring Newsletter here!
During our Easter Bonnet parade, we had lots of fun showing off our brilliant bonnets. We also sang the Spring Chicken song and performed some poems.
Well done to all the children that got their reading robot badges for Spring Term. Reading 40 times over the half term really will be making all the difference to your reading skills!
Let's hope for even more next term!
The Easter reading challenge will be sent home this week. 30 reads at home by the 25th of April.
We had lots of fun today in school celebrating Red Nose Day.
We are very proud of how hard you are working in all your learning. Well done Sky.
We had lots of fun dressing up in red for red nose day!
Well done Oscar for earning your Make Careful Choices badge. We are proud of you!
Well done Tyler for earning PE star this week.
In Year 1 we have been learning the story of Kipper's Toy box by Mick Inkpen. We have retold the story using actions and we are now writing sentences about the story. We are checking our writing for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We are also using our phonics knowledge to sound out and spell works.
Aubrey and Jood have worked together in maths to solve problems and complete their learning. We are so proud of how hard you have both worked.
Our PE star of the week is Olivia for improving her running speed in our athletics lessons and for always working well as a team member. We are so proud of you. Well done.
We enjoyed having some time to read the books in our reading corner this week.
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