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Our journey through time! 4th October

What a wonderful week!!

It has been a fantastic week – our visit to Murton Park was so much fun, as well as informative, and the children were exceptional!



In school this week we have been exploring poetry. The poet we have focussed on in Y4 is AF Harrold. We read and performed ‘In the Trees Defence’, as well as other poems. One of the other poems contained a series of kennings about animals. We then wrote our own kennings, collecting a series of vocabulary.


Murton Park:

As a part of our history learning this term, we visited Murton Park in York. We dressed as Anglo-Saxons for the day and learnt all about what life was like, whilst joining in with some really fun activities. We made our own candles by dipping a wick repeatedly in bees was, we learnt how to guard the village from invasion and wild animals, we played a dice game that they would have played and we also did some Anglo-Saxon writing! What a fabulous day was had!



Star of the Week is for Kenan. He was excellently behaved on our visit and showed great knowledge.


The Learning Principle postcard is for Esmae Tingay, for Feel Proud. During our visit, Esmae always remembered to address the leader of the village as “Mi Lord”. She showed how enthusiastic she is with everything she does.


PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is from Y4GH and is for Bilal. In this week’s outdoor PE, he really showed a keenness to join in and try his best.




Star of the Week is Darcie Manning for being so helpful to everyone she works or plays with.


The Learning Principle postcard was given to Ellie-May for amazing work at Murton Park – she made herself and us all so proud.




Y4GH: Bobby achieved the maximum scoring 12/12. Keep it up Bobby! Orlando, Ashton, Sonny Louie, Jacob, Esmae and Ellasu all scored the best they have scored this term.


Y4MB:  Darcie and Charlie were the top scorers with wonderful 11/12 each. Oba, Lewis, Charlie and Maisie all achieved their best score this year.


Beat That:

Y4GH: Our top scorer was: Esmai with 32. These children scored their best ever score: Charlie, Abdul, Levia, Ashton, Sonny, Louie and Olivia!

Y4MB: Our top scorer was: Aklil with an amazing 35. Amina, Olly, Oba, Naom, Darcie, Charlie, Robyn, Muadh and Ethan SR all scored their best ever!



Y4GH: Lots scored the maximum this week – well done to – Harrison, Esmai, Bobby, Layla, Jessica, Sonny, Narin, Finn, Olivia and Archie. Shayla-Lea and Esmae both scored their best score so far!

Y4MB: Lots scored the maximum this week – well done to – Amina, Aklil, Bayan, Corey, Lewis, Maisie, Muadh and Robyn. Ethan SR scored him best score so far!