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Friday 20th September: This was the week that was!

Your children are amazing!

We cannot believe it is already week 3. We feel like the children have fully settled in and that we are flying through so much learning!



Science was an exciting component this week. Now we know the three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) we are looking at the changes in state. We melted chocolate and butter and observed the changes as they turned from solids to a liquid – it smelt delicious too, as well as identifying the change as heating/ melting.



After two lessons exploring different patterns and being inspired by the work of two new artists, this week we looked at Andy Gilmore and his art and related this to tessellation. We even had our first go at tessellation and creating our own patterns.



We are still working on our basic skills, and incorporating using grammatical skills (such as capital letters and correct spelling), in order to search for and copy an image from a search engine.



We have been using some excellent skills in gymnastics: core strength, soft knees for landing jumps, balances and bringing these all together into sequences and on different apparatus.



Star of the Week is for Esmae T. She is so helpful in the classroom, and a really kind classmate – not to mention how hard she works.


The Learning Principle postcard is for Jessica. She has made links from her observations in our science investigation and was able to record reasoning behind various materials melting at different temperatures.


PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is from Y4GH and is for Esmai H. During our gymnastic sessions, Esmai showed great aptitude with completing rotational jumps safely and she was even able to propel herself to nearly a perfect full turn.



Star of the Week is for 2 people! Ivy and Olly because they are in a competition with each other to pass their XTables – Mrs Colley is super impressed.


The Learning Principle postcard (Enjoy Challenge) is for Charlie. The children were given the challenge for retelling the story of the Scots and their desire to invade Britain.  Charlie remembered lots of information and told it well.



Y4GH:  3 children scored 12: Archie, Olivia and Bobby. A big well done to you! Abdul, Orlando, Reon, Esmai, Koby, Jessica, Mia, Ashton, Sonny, Alyssiah, Kareem, Shayla-Lea, Jacob and Esmae all beat last week’s score!


Y4MB:  Oliver, Kamari, Ethan C, Oba, Romario, Maisie, Ivy and Hannah all beat last week’s score.   


Beat That:

Y4GH: Our top scorer was Esmai with 32/42; These children either beat last week’s score or scored over 20: Calia, Orlando, Harrison, Bobby, Jessica and Narin.


Y4MB: Our top scorer was Charlie with 24/42; These children either beat last week’s score or scored 20 or over: Aklil, Olly, Noah, Romario, Holly, Darcie, Thanos and Muadh.



Y4GH: Archie scored a magnificent 10/10! Finn and Bilal both scored a great 9!


Y4MB: Corey, Kamari, Darcie and Muadh all scored a great 9!